Reasons you should choose

TAIYO SHEET is a unique material that infuses Japanese paper and its 1,300 year history with cutting-edge technology. It is easy to work with and extremely easy to introduce into any application.
It is also very good at radiating far infrared radiation, meaning that it can efficiently heat the surrounding area for use in a variety of applications.

Major TAIYO SHEET features

A new kind of surface heating element

Surface heating elements have been slowly evolving with incremental quality improvements. With TAIYO SHEET, we have developed a product that uses a stable material while keeping power consumption down. The future is here. The main feature is that it will not degrade, no matter what.

Comparison of major materials

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  • Far infrared radiation performance
  • Ability to increase temperature
  • Material stability
  • Power consumption
  • Circuit load
  • Electromagnetic radiation

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